Please copy the original wikitext, not the viewable text, when downloading. Also be sure to remove the "source" tags at the top and bottom and everything outside of them. Thanks.
# This code is released into the public domain. CONTRIBUTIONS are
# welcome, but will also hereby be RELEASED TO THE PUBLIC DOMAIN.
# See the documentation distributed with this code for important
# warnings and caveats.
# Publication date: 12 Nov 2005 (UTC)
# Clone operators: You may wish to undo certain items marked "TEMPORARY".
# -- Beland 21 Aug 2005
# Clone operators: You will need to change $historyFile at the top of
# opentaskUpdate(). You may also wish to chage $target there.
# -- Beland 10 Sep 2005
# Fixes made before the first publication:
# - Now retains sort keys
# - Now properly retains sort keys
# - Support for (hopefully all) non-ASCII characters in titles
# - Category moves are now done in one edit, not two
# - Slow down if Wikipedia is slow
# - Automatically retry if HTTP 500 or 503 (but wait 1, 10, or 60
# minutes first)
# - Follow popular conventions for category/interwiki block style
# - Automatically TRANSFER_TEXT_ACTUALLY before doing a category move
# and flag for manual review if needed.
# - Don't wholesale delete interwiki links
# - Don't add the category manually after doing a null edit
# 30 Apr 2005: Publish initial code
# 15 May 2005: Add HTTP error 502 handling.
# 22 May 2005: Add {{msg:foo}} -> {{foo}} conversion.
# 10 Aug 2005: Fix bug surrounding category moves that require null edits
# 18 Aug 2005: Add CLEANUP_DATE capabilities
# *** 21 Aug 2005: Publish update ***
# 22 Aug 2005: Canonicalize dk to da
# 22 Aug 2005: Carry "wpStarttime", which prevents problems when
# editing undeleted articles.
# 22 Aug 2005: Null-edit fallback for CLEANUP_DATE
# 23 Aug 2005: CLEANUP_DATE enhancements for weird cases
# 25 Aug 2005: Fix some regexps with \Q and \E
# 04 Sep 2005: Add logic to handle {{cfm}}
# 04 Sep 2005: Mark changeCategory() edits as minor, by request
# 04 Sep 2005: Fix editing bug in transferText()
# 10 Sep 2005: Add OPENTASK_UPDATE functionality
# *** 10 Sep 2005: Publish update ***
# 12 Sep 2005: add getCategoryImages() and add it to depopulateCat()
# 14 Sep 2005: urlEncode() improvements
# 17 Sep 2005: Add "cleanup" to OPENTASK_UPDATE
# 18 Sep 2005: Add "authority" feature to DEPOPULATE_CAT
# 18 Sep 2005: Prevent infinite loop in interpretCommands()
# 19 Sep 2005: moveCategoryContents() always retains sortkeys; remove
# extraneous arguments.
# 19 Sep 2005: Preserve whitespace in sortkeys.
# 12 Oct 2005: Print a helpful report from OPENTASK_UPDATE
# 17 Oct 2005: Fix history-losing bug for OPENTASK_UPDATE
# 22 Oct 2005: Increase OPENTASK_UPDATE character limit to 130
# 27 Oct 2005: Update editbox scrape regexp
# 27 Oct 2005: Add ability to get more than 200 articles from a category
# 27 Oct 2005: Add 3 more major categories to OPENTASK_UPDATE
# 28 Oct 2005: Allow 3 cleanup month categories to be featured at once
# 29 Oct 2005: Add "Category:Wikipedia articles needing priority
# 04 Nov 2005: Add "rough mode" to make batching of null edits less
# painful
# *** 12 Nov 2005: Publish update ***
use strict;
use Time::HiRes;
# The following may be helpful in debugging character encoding
# problems.
use utf8;
#use encoding 'utf8';
# Initialization
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Cookies;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use HTML::Entities;
print "\n";
# LWP:UserAgent is a library which allows us to create a "user agent"
# object that handles the low-level details of making HTTP requests.
$::ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 300);
$::ua->agent("Pearle Wisebot/0.1");
$::ua->cookie_jar(HTTP::Cookies->new(file => "/home/beland/wikipedia/pearle-wisebot/cookies.pearle.txt",
autosave => 1));
# Hot pipes
$| = 1;
# ---
# test();
#sub test
# my ($target, $text, $editTime, $startTime, $token);
# $target = "Wikipedia:Sandbox";
# ($text, $editTime, $startTime, $token) = getPage($target);
# print $text;
# $text .= "\Eat my electrons! -- Pearle\n";
# print "---\n";
# postPage ($target, $editTime, $startTime, $token, $text, "Test 008");
# die ("Test complete.");
# ---
sub interpretCommand
my ($command, @arguments, $i, $line, $argument, @newArguments,
$from, $to, $page, $pageCopy);
($command, @arguments) = @_;
$command =~ s/\*\s*//;
myLog ($command.": ".join(" ", @arguments)."\n");
print `date`;
print $command.": ".join(" ", @arguments)."\n";
if ($command eq "POST_STDIN")
if ($arguments[2] ne "")
myLog ("Too many arguments to POST_STDIN.\n");
die ("Too many arguments to POST_STDIN.\n");
elsif ($command eq "POST_STDIN_NULLOK")
if ($arguments[2] ne "")
myLog ("Too many arguments to POST_STDIN.\n");
die ("Too many arguments to POST_STDIN.\n");
$::nullOK = "yes";
$::nullOK = "no";
elsif ($command eq "MOVE_CONTENTS")
if ($arguments[2] ne "")
if (($arguments[3] eq "")
and ($arguments[1] eq "->"))
myLog ("Too many arguments to MOVE_CONTENTS.\n");
die ("Too many arguments to MOVE_CONTENTS.\n");
elsif ($command eq "MOVE_CONTENTS_INCL_CATS")
if ($arguments[2] ne "")
if (($arguments[3] eq "")
and ($arguments[1] eq "->"))
myLog ("Too many arguments to MOVE_CONTENTS_INCL_CATS.\n");
die ("Too many arguments to MOVE_CONTENTS_INCL_CATS.\n");
elsif ($command eq "REMOVE_X_FROM_CAT")
if ($arguments[2] ne "")
myLog ("Too many arguments to REMOVE_X_FROM_CAT.\n");
die ("Too many arguments to REMOVE_X_FROM_CAT.\n");
elsif ($command eq "DEPOPULATE_CAT")
if ($arguments[1] eq "per")
if ($arguments[3] ne "")
myLog ("Too many arguments to DEPOPULATE_CAT.\n");
die ("Too many arguments to DEPOPULATE_CAT.\n");
depopulateCat($arguments[0], $arguments[2]);
elsif ($arguments[1] ne "")
myLog ("Too many arguments to DEPOPULATE_CAT.\n");
die ("Too many arguments to DEPOPULATE_CAT.\n");
elsif ($command eq "PRINT_WIKITEXT")
if ($arguments[1] ne "")
myLog ("Too many arguments to PRINT_WIKITEXT.\n");
die ("Too many arguments to PRINT_WIKITEXT.\n");
elsif ($command eq "ADD_CFD_TAG")
if ($arguments[1] ne "")
myLog ("Too many arguments to ADD_CFD_TAG.\n");
die ("Too many arguments to ADD_CFD_TAG.\n");
elsif ($command eq "REMOVE_CFD_TAG")
if ($arguments[1] ne "")
myLog ("Too many arguments to REMOVE_CFD_TAG.\n");
die ("Too many arguments to REMOVE_CFD_TAG.\n");
elsif ($command eq "ADD_TO_CAT")
if ($arguments[2] ne "")
myLog ("Too many arguments to ADD_TO_CAT.\n");
die ("Too many arguments to ADD_TO_CAT.\n");
elsif ($command eq "ADD_TO_CAT_NULL_OK")
if ($arguments[2] ne "")
myLog ("Too many arguments to ADD_TO_CAT_NULL_OK.\n");
die ("Too many arguments to ADD_TO_CAT_NULL_OK.\n");
$::nullOK = "yes";
$::nullOK = "no";
elsif ($command eq "TRANSFER_TEXT")
if ($arguments[2] ne "")
myLog ("Too many arguments to TRANSFER_TEXT.\n");
die ("Too many arguments to TRANSFER_TEXT.\n");
transferText($arguments[0], $arguments[1]);
# elsif ($command eq "LIST_TO_CAT_CHECK")
# {
# if ($arguments[2] ne "")
# {
# myLog ("Too many arguments to LIST_TO_CAT_CHECK.\n");
# die ("Too many arguments to LIST_TO_CAT_CHECK.\n");
# }
# listToCat($arguments[0], $arguments[1], "no");
# }
elsif ($command eq "CHANGE_CATEGORY")
if ($arguments[3] ne "")
myLog ("Too many arguments to CHANGE_CATEGORY.\n");
die ("Too many arguments to CHANGE_CATEGORY.\n");
changeCategory($arguments[0], $arguments[1], $arguments[2]);
elsif ($command eq "CLEANUP_DATE")
if ($arguments[0] ne "")
myLog ("Too many arguments to CLEANUP_DATE.\n");
die ("Too many arguments to CLEANUP_DATE.\n");
elsif ($command eq "OPENTASK_UPDATE")
if ($arguments[0] ne "")
myLog ("Too many arguments to OPENTASK_UPDATE.\n");
die ("Too many arguments to OPENTASK_UPDATE.\n");
elsif ($command eq "NULL_EDIT")
if ($arguments[1] ne "")
myLog ("Too many arguments to NULL_EDIT.\n");
die ("Too many arguments to NULL_EDIT.\n");
# enforceCategoryRedirects("no");
# This command is for remedial cleanup only.
#elsif ($command eq "INTERWIKI_LOOP")
# interwikiLoop();
elsif ($command eq "ENFORCE_CATEGORY_INTERWIKI")
if ($arguments[1] ne "")
myLog ("Too many arguments to ENFORCE_CATEGORY_INTERWIKI.\n");
die ("Too many arguments to ENFORCE_CATEGORY_INTERWIKI.\n");
## Broken due to recent changes on WP:CFD
# elsif ($command eq "ENFORCE_CFD")
# {
# enforceCFD();
# }
elsif ($command eq "STOP")
myLog ("Stopped.");
die ("Stopped.");
elsif (($command eq "READ_COMMANDS")
or ($command eq ""))
while (<STDIN>)
$line = $_;
if ($line =~ m/READ_COMMANDS/)
myLog ("interpretCommands(): Infinite loop!");
die ("interpretCommands(): Infinite loop!");
if ($line =~ m/^\s*$/)
$line =~ s/\s+$//s;
$line =~ s/\*\s*//;
if ($line =~ m/\[\[:?(.*?)\]\] -> \[\[:?(.*?)\]\]/)
$line =~ s/\[\[:?(.*?)\]\] -> \[\[:?(.*?)\]\]//;
$from = $1;
$to = $2;
$line =~ s/\s*$//;
$from =~ s/ /_/g;
$to =~ s/ /_/g;
interpretCommand($line, $from, $to);
while ($line =~ m/\[\[:?(.*?)\]\]/)
$line =~ m/\[\[:?(.*?)\]\]/;
$page = $1;
$pageCopy = $page;
$page =~ s/ /_/g;
$line =~ s/\[\[:?\Q$pageCopy\E\]\]/$page/;
if ($i++ > 100)
die ("Possible infinite loop in interpretCommands() #2");
interpretCommand(split (" ", $line));
# unless (($line =~ m/TRANSFER_TEXT_CHECK/) or
unless ($line =~ m/TRANSFER_TEXT_CHECK/)
myLog ("Execution complete.\n");
print ("Execution complete.\n");
myLog ("Unrecognized command '".$command."': ".join(" ", @arguments)."\n");
die ("Unrecognized command '".$command."': ".join(" ", @arguments));
sub limit
my ($i);
# Rate-limiting to avoid hosing the wiki server
# Min 30 sec unmarked
# Min 10 sec marked
# May be raised by retry() if load is heavy
# Increasing the speed of the bot to faster than 1 edit every 10
# seconds violates English Wikipedia rules as of April, 2005, and
# will cause your bot to be banned. So don't change $normalDelay
# unless you know what you are doing. Other sites may have
# similar policies, and you are advised to check before using your
# bot at the default speed.
if ($::speedLimit < 10)
$::speedLimit = 10;
$i = $::speedLimit;
while ($i >= 0)
sleep (1);
print STDERR "Sleeping $i seconds...\r";
print STDERR " \r";
# perl POST_STDIN User:Pearle/categories-alpha "Update from 13 Oct 2004 database dump"
sub postSTDIN
my ($text, $articleName, $comment, $editTime, $startTime, $junk, $token);
$articleName = $_[0];
$comment = $_[1];
while (<STDIN>)
$text .= $_;
if ($text =~ m/^\s*$/)
myLog ("postSTDIN(): Null input.\n");
die ("postSTDIN(): Null input.\n");
$::nullOK = "yes";
($junk, $editTime, $startTime, $token) = getPage($articleName);
$::nullOK = "no";
if ($comment eq "")
$comment = "Automated post";
postPage ($articleName, $editTime, $startTime, $token, $text, $comment);
# perl ADD_TO_CAT Page_name Category:Category_name sortkey
sub addToCat
my ($text, $articleName, $category, $editTime, $startTime, $comment, $status,
@junk, $sortkey, $token);
$articleName = $_[0];
$category = $_[1];
$sortkey = $_[2];
($text, $editTime, $startTime, $token) = getPage($articleName);
$comment = "Added to ${category}";
($status, $text, @junk) = addCatToText($category, $text, $sortkey, $articleName);
if ($status ne "success")
postPage ($articleName, $editTime, $startTime, $token, $text, $comment);
sub myLog
open (LOG, ">>/home/beland/wikipedia/pearle-wisebot/log.txt")
|| die "Could not append to log!";
print LOG $_[0];
close (LOG);
sub getPage
my ($target, $request, $response, $reply, $text, $text2,
$editTime, $startTime, $attemptStartTime, $attemptFinishTime,
$token, $targetSafe);
$target = $_[0];
if ($target =~ m/^\s*$/)
myLog("getPage: Null target.");
die("getPage: Null target.");
$targetSafe = $target;
$targetSafe =~ s/\&/%26/g;
# Monitor wiki server responsiveness
$attemptStartTime = Time::HiRes::time();
# Create a request-object
print "GET${targetSafe}&action=edit\n";
$request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "${targetSafe}&action=edit");
$response = $::ua->request($request);
if ($response->is_success)
$reply = $response->content;
# Monitor wiki server responsiveness
$attemptFinishTime = Time::HiRes::time();
retry ("success", "getPage", sprintf("%.3f", $attemptFinishTime-$attemptStartTime));
# This detects whether or not we're logged in.
unless ($reply =~ m%<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Pearle">My talk</a>%)
# We've lost our identity.
myLog ("Wiki server is not recognizing me (1).\n---\n${reply}\n---\n");
die ("Wiki server is not recognizing me (1).\n");
$reply =~ m%<textarea\s+tabindex='1'\s+accesskey=","\s+name="wpTextbox1"\s+id="wpTextbox1"\s+rows='25'\s+cols='80'\s+>(.*?)</textarea>%s;
$text = $1;
$reply =~ m/value="(\d+)" name="wpEdittime"/;
$editTime = $1;
# Added 22 Aug 2005 to correctly handle articles that have
# been undeleted
$reply =~ m/value="(\d+)" name="wpStarttime"/;
$startTime = $1;
# Added 9 Mar 2005 after recent software change.
$reply =~ m/value="(\w+)" name="wpEditToken"/;
$token = $1;
if (($text =~ m/^\s*$/)
and ($::nullOK ne "yes"))
myLog ("getPage($target): Null text!\n");
myLog "\n---\n$reply\n---\n";
if ($::roughMode eq "yes")
die ("getPage($target): Null text!\n");
if (($editTime =~ m/^\s*$/)
and ($::nullOK ne "yes"))
myLog ("getPage($target): Null time!\n");
myLog "\n---\n$reply\n---\n";
die ("getPage($target): Null time!\n");
if (($text =~ m/>/) or
($text =~ m/</))
print $text;
myLog "\n---\n$text\n---\n";
myLog ("getPage($target): Bad text suck!\n");
die ("getPage($target): Bad text suck!\n");
# Change ( " -> " ) etc
# This function is from HTML::Entities.
# This may or may not actually work
return ($text, $editTime, $startTime, $token);
myLog ("getPage($target): HTTP ERR (".$response->status_line.")${targetSafe}&action=edit\n".$response->content."\n");
print ("getPage($target): HTTP ERR (".$response->status_line.")${targetSafe}&action=edit\n".$response->content."\n");
# 50X HTTP errors mean there is a problem connecting to the wiki server
if (($response->status_line =~ m/^500/)
or ($response->status_line =~ m/^502/)
or ($response->status_line =~ m/^503/))
return(retry("getPage", @_));
# Unhandled HTTP response
die ("getPage($target): HTTP ERR (".$response->status_line.")${targetSafe}&action=edit\n");
sub postPage
my ($request, $response, $pageName, $textToPost, $summaryEntry,
$editTime, $startTime, $actual, $expected, $attemptStartTime,
$attemptFinishTime, $date, $editToken, $minor, $pageNameSafe);
$pageName = $_[0];
$editTime = $_[1];
$startTime = $_[2];
$editToken = $_[3];
$textToPost = $_[4];
$summaryEntry = $_[5]; # Max 200 chars!
$minor = $_[6];
$summaryEntry = substr($summaryEntry, 0, 200);
if ($pageName eq "")
myLog ("postPage(): Empty pageName.\n");
die ("postPage(): Empty pageName.\n");
if ($summaryEntry eq "")
$summaryEntry = "Automated editing.";
# Monitor server responsiveness
$attemptStartTime = Time::HiRes::time();
$pageNameSafe = $pageName;
$pageNameSafe =~ s/\&/%26/g;
if ($minor eq "yes")
$request = POST "${pageNameSafe}&action=submit",
[wpTextbox1 => $textToPost,
wpSummary => $summaryEntry,
wpSave => "Save page",
wpMinoredit => "on",
wpEditToken => $editToken,
wpStarttime => $startTime,
wpEdittime => $editTime];
# Optional: wpWatchthis
$request = POST "${pageNameSafe}&action=submit",
[wpTextbox1 => $textToPost,
wpSummary => $summaryEntry,
wpSave => "Save page",
wpEditToken => $editToken,
wpStarttime => $startTime,
wpEdittime => $editTime];
# Optional: wpWatchthis, wpMinoredit
# ---
## If posts are failing, you can uncomment the below to see what
## HTTP request is being made.
# myLog($request->as_string());
# print $request->as_string(); $::speedLimit = 60 * 10;
# print $::ua->request($request)->as_string;
# ---
print "POSTing...";
# Pass request to the user agent and get a response back
$response = $::ua->request($request);
print "POSTed.\n";
if ($response->content =~ m/Please confirm that really want to recreate this article./)
myLog ($response->content."\n");
die ("Deleted article conflict! See log!");
# Check the outcome of the response
if (($response->is_success) or ($response->is_redirect))
# Monitor server responsiveness
$attemptFinishTime = Time::HiRes::time();
retry ("success", "postPage", sprintf("%.3f", $attemptFinishTime-$attemptStartTime));
$expected = "302 Moved Temporarily";
$actual = $response->status_line;
if (($expected ne $actual)
and ($actual ne "200 OK"))
myLog ("postPage(${pageName}, $editTime)#1 - expected =! actual\n");
myLog ($request->as_string());
myLog ("EXPECTED: '${expected}'\n");
myLog (" ACTUAL: '${actual}'\n");
if ($::roughMode eq "yes")
die ("postPage(${pageName}, $editTime)#1 - expected =! actual - see log\n");
$expected = "${pageName}";
#$expected =~ s/\'/%27/g;
#$expected =~ s/\(/%28/g;
#$expected =~ s/\)/%29/g;
#$expected =~ s/,/%2C/g;
$expected = urlEncode($expected);
$actual = $response->headers->header("Location");
if (($expected ne $actual)
and ($::roughMode ne "yes")
and !(($actual eq "")
and ($response->status_line eq "200 OK")))
myLog ("postPage(${pageName}, $editTime)#2 - expected =! actual\n");
myLog ("EXPECTED: '${expected}'\n");
myLog (" ACTUAL: '${actual}'\n");
die ("postPage(${pageName}, $editTime)#2 - expected =! actual - see log\n");
if ($response->content =~ m/<h1 class="firstHeading">Edit conflict/)
myLog ("Edit conflict on '$pageName' at '$editTime'!\n");
die ("Edit conflict on '$pageName' at '$editTime'!\n");
return ($response->content);
$date = `date`;
$date =~ s/\n//g;
myLog ("Bad response to POST to $pageNameSafe at $date.\n".$response->status_line."\n".$response->content."\n");
# 50X HTTP errors mean there is a problem connecting to the wiki server
if (($response->status_line =~ m/^500/)
or ($response->status_line =~ m/^502/)
or ($response->status_line =~ m/^503/))
print "Bad response to POST to $pageNameSafe at $date.\n".$response->status_line."\n".$response->content."\n";
return(retry("postPage", @_));
# Unhandled HTTP response
die ("Bad response to POST to $pageNameSafe at $date.\n".$response->status_line."\n");
sub urlSafe
# This function is no longer called because the LWP::UserAgent and
# HTTP::Request libraries handle character escaping.
# perl MOVE_CONTENTS_INCL_CATS Category:From_here Category:To_here
sub moveCategoryContents
my (@articles, $categoryFrom, $categoryTo, $article, $status,
@subcats, $includeCategories, $subcat, @junk);
$categoryFrom = $_[0];
$categoryTo = $_[1];
$includeCategories = $_[2];
if ($categoryFrom =~ m/^\[\[:(Category:.*?)\]\]/)
$categoryFrom =~ s/^\[\[:(Category:.*?)\]\]/$1/;
$categoryFrom =~ s/\s+/_/g;
if ($categoryTo =~ m/^\[\[:(Category:.*?)\]\]/)
$categoryTo =~ s/^\[\[:(Category:.*?)\]\]/$1/;
$categoryTo =~ s/\s+/_/g;
$categoryFrom =~ s/^\[\[://;
$categoryTo =~ s/^\[\[://;
$categoryFrom =~ s/\]\]$//;
$categoryTo =~ s/\]\]$//;
unless (($categoryFrom =~ m/^Category:/) and
($categoryTo =~ m/^Category:/))
myLog ("moveCategoryContents(): Are you sure these are categories? ".$categoryFrom."/".$categoryTo."\n");
die ("moveCategoryContents(): Are you sure these are categories? ".$categoryFrom."/".$categoryTo."\n");
transferText ($categoryFrom, $categoryTo);
# Subcategory transfer
if ($includeCategories eq "yes")
@subcats = getSubcategories($categoryFrom);
foreach $subcat (@subcats)
if ($subcat =~ m/^\s*$/)
$subcat = urlDecode($subcat);
print "changeCategory($subcat, $categoryFrom, $categoryTo) c\n";
myLog "changeCategory($subcat, $categoryFrom, $categoryTo) c\n";
changeCategory($subcat, $categoryFrom, $categoryTo);
# Article transfer
@articles = getCategoryArticles($categoryFrom);
# foreach $article (reverse(@articles))
foreach $article (@articles)
if ($article =~ m/^\s*$/)
$article = urlDecode($article);
print "changeCategory($article, $categoryFrom, $categoryTo) a\n";
myLog "changeCategory($article, $categoryFrom, $categoryTo) a\n";
changeCategory($article, $categoryFrom, $categoryTo);
# perl DEPOPULATE_CAT Category:To_be_depopulated
sub depopulateCat #($category);
my (@articles, $category, $article, $status, @subcats, $subcat,
@junk, $authority);
$category = $_[0];
$authority = $_[1];
if ($category =~ m/^\[\[:(Category:.*?)\]\]/)
$category =~ s/^\[\[:(Category:.*?)\]\]/$1/;
$category =~ s/\s+/_/g;
unless ($category =~ m/^Category:/)
myLog ("depopulateCat(): Are you sure '$category' is a category?\n");
die ("depopulateCat(): Are you sure '$category' is a category?\n");
# Remove all subcategories
@subcats = getSubcategories($category);
foreach $subcat (@subcats)
$subcat = urlDecode($subcat);
print "removeXFromCat($subcat, $category) c\n";
myLog "removeXFromCat($subcat, $category) c\n";
($status, @junk) = removeXFromCat($subcat, $category, $authority);
unless ($status == 0)
myLog ("Status: $status\n");
print "Status: $status\n";
# Remove all articles
@articles = getCategoryArticles($category);
#foreach $article (reverse(@articles))
foreach $article (@articles)
$article = urlDecode($article);
print "removeXFromCat($article, $category) a\n";
myLog "removeXFromCat($article, $category) a\n";
($status, @junk) = removeXFromCat($article, $category, $authority);
unless ($status == 0)
myLog ("Status: $status\n");
print "Status: $status\n";
# Remove all images
@articles = getCategoryImages($category);
#@articles = reverse(getCategoryImages($category));
foreach $article (@articles)
$article = urlDecode($article);
print "removeXFromCat($article, $category) i\n";
myLog "removeXFromCat($article, $category) i\n";
($status, @junk) = removeXFromCat($article, $category, $authority);
unless ($status == 0)
myLog ("Status: $status\n");
print "Status: $status\n";
# perl REMOVE_X_FROM_CAT Article_name Category:Where_the_article_is
sub removeXFromCat
my ($text, $articleName, $category, $editTime, $startTime,
$comment, $catTmp, $sortkey, @junk, $token, $categoryUnd,
$categoryHuman, $authority);
$articleName = $_[0];
$category = $_[1];
$authority = $_[2];
unless ($category =~ m/^Category:\w+/)
myLog ("addToCat(): Bad format on category.\n");
die ("addToCat(): Bad format on category.\n");
($text, $editTime, $startTime, $token) = getPage($articleName);
$comment = "Removed from ${category}";
if ($authority ne "")
$authority =~ s/_/ /g;
$comment = "Removed from ${category} (per [[${authority}]])";
# Convert underscore to spaces; this is human-readable.
$category =~ s/_/ /g;
$categoryHuman = $category;
# Insert possible whitespace
$category =~ s/^Category://;
# $category = "Category:\\s*\\Q".$category."\\E"; # THIS DOES NOT WORK
$category = "Category:\\s*".$category;
$category =~ s%\(%\\(%g;
$category =~ s%\)%\\)%g;
$category =~ s%\'%\\\'%g;
$categoryUnd = $category;
$categoryUnd =~ s/ /_/g;
unless (($text =~ m/\[\[\s*${category}\s*\]\]/is)
or ($text =~ m/\[\[\s*${category}\s*\|.*?\]\]/is)
or ($text =~ m/\[\[\s*${categoryUnd}\s*\]\]/is)
or ($text =~ m/\[\[\s*${categoryUnd}\s*\|.*?\]\]/is))
print "removeXFromCat(): $articleName is not in '$category'.\n";
myLog ("removeXFromCat(): $articleName is not in '$category'.\n");
### Uncomment these lines if you want category remove attempts
### to trigger null edits. This is useful if you have have
### changed the category on a template, but due to a bug this
### does not actually move member articles until they are
### edited.
($text, @junk) = fixCategoryInterwiki($text);
postPage ($articleName, $editTime, $startTime, $token, $text, "Mostly null edit to actually remove from ${categoryHuman}", "yes");
if ($text =~ m/^\s*\#REDIRECT/is)
print "addToCat(): $articleName is a redirect!\n";
myLog ("addToCat(): $articleName is a redirect!\n");
# Remember to PRESERVE WHITESPACE for sortkeys!
$text =~ m/\[\[\s*${category}\s*\|(.*?)\]\]/is;
$sortkey = $1;
if ($sortkey eq "")
$text =~ m/\[\[\s*${categoryUnd}\s*\|(.*?)\]\]/is;
# Remove the page from the category and any trailing newline.
$text =~ s/\[\[\s*${category}\s*\|?(.*?)\]\]\n?//isg;
$text =~ s/\[\[\s*${categoryUnd}\s*\|?(.*?)\]\]\n?//isg;
($text, @junk) = fixCategoryInterwiki($text);
postPage ($articleName, $editTime, $startTime, $token, $text, $comment);
return(0, $sortkey);
# perl PRINT_WIKITEXT Article_you_want_to_get
## Warning: Saves to a file in the current directory with the same name
## as the article, plus another file with the .html extention.
sub printWikitext
my ($editTime, $startTime, $text, $target, $token);
$target = $_[0];
$target =~ s/^\[\[://;
$target =~ s/\]\]$//;
($text, $editTime, $startTime, $token) = getPage($target);
# Save the wikicode version to a file.
open (WIKITEXT, ">./${target}");
print WIKITEXT $text;
close (WIKITEXT);
# Save the HTML version to a file.
print `wget${target} -O ./${target}.html`;
# Get a list of the names of articles in a given category.
sub getCategoryArticles
my ($target, $request, $response, $reply, $articles, $article,
@articles, $attemptStartTime, $attemptFinishTime,
$targetSpace, $offset, $numberOfArticles, $url,
$target = $_[0];
$offset = $_[1];
# Need both _ and spaces for precise matching later
$target =~ s/ /_/g;
$targetSpace = $target;
$targetSpace =~ s/_/ /g;
#urlSafe ($target);
unless ($target =~ m/^Category:/)
myLog ("getCategoryArticles(): Are you sure '$target' is a category?\n");
die ("getCategoryArticles(): Are you sure '$target' is a category?\n");
# Monitor wiki server responsiveness
$attemptStartTime = Time::HiRes::time();
if ($offset eq "")
$url = "${target}";
$url = "${target}&from=${offset}";
# Create a request-object
if ($offset eq "")
print "GET ${url}\n";
myLog("GET ${url}\n");
$request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "${url}");
$response = $::ua->request($request);
if ($response->is_success)
# Monitor wiki server responsiveness
$attemptFinishTime = Time::HiRes::time();
retry ("success", "getCategoryArticles", sprintf("%.3f", $attemptFinishTime-$attemptStartTime));
$reply = $response->content;
# This detects whether or not we're logged in.
unless ($reply =~ m%<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Pearle">My talk</a>%)
# We've lost our identity.
myLog ("Wiki server is not recognizing me (2).\n---\n${reply}\n---\n");
die ("Wiki server is not recognizing me (2).\n");
$articles = $reply;
$articles =~ s%^.*?<h2>Articles in category.*?</h2>%%s;
$articles =~ s%<div class="printfooter">.*?$%%s;
@articles = $articles =~ m%<li><a href="/wiki/(.*?)" title=%sg;
if ($reply =~ m%<a\s+href=\"/w/index.php\?title=${target}\&from=(.*?)\"\s+title=\"${targetSpace}\">next 200</a>%s)
sleep (1); # Throttle GETs
@moreArticles = getCategoryArticles($target, $1);
@articles = (@articles, @moreArticles);
$numberOfArticles = @articles;
if ($offset eq "")
print "Got $numberOfArticles articles.\n";
myLog ("Got $numberOfArticles articles.\n");
return decodeArray(@articles);
myLog ("getCategoryArticles($target): HTTP ERR (".$response->status_line.") ${url}\n".$response->content."\n");
# 50X HTTP errors mean there is a problem connecting to the wiki server
if (($response->status_line =~ m/^500/)
or ($response->status_line =~ m/^502/)
or ($response->status_line =~ m/^503/))
print "getCategoryArticles($target): HTTP ERR (".$response->status_line.") ${url}\n".$response->content."\n";
return(retry("getCategoryArticles", @_));
# Unhandled HTTP response
die ("getCategoryArticles($target): HTTP ERR (".$response->status_line.") ${url}\n");
sub decodeArray
my($title, @newTitles);
foreach $title (@_)
$title = urlDecode ($title);
@newTitles = (@newTitles, $title);
return @newTitles;
# Get a list of the names of subcategories of a given category.
sub getSubcategories
my ($target, $request, $response, $reply, $subcats, $subcat,
@subcats, $attemptStartTime, $attemptFinishTime);
$target = $_[0];
#urlSafe ($target);
unless ($target =~ m/^Category:/)
myLog ("getSubcategories(): Are you sure '$target' is a category?\n");
die ("getSubcategories(): Are you sure '$target' is a category?\n");
# Monitor wiki server responsiveness
$attemptStartTime = Time::HiRes::time();
# Create a request-object
print "GET${target}\n";
$request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "${target}");
$response = $::ua->request($request);
if ($response->is_success)
# Monitor wiki server responsiveness
$attemptFinishTime = Time::HiRes::time();
retry ("success", "getSubcategories", sprintf("%.3f", $attemptFinishTime-$attemptStartTime));
$reply = $response->content;
# This detects whether or not we're logged in.
unless ($reply =~ m%<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Pearle">My talk</a>%)
# We've lost our identity.
myLog ("Wikipedia is not recognizing me (3).\n---\n${reply}\n---\n");
die ("Wikipedia is not recognizing me (3).\n");
$subcats = $reply;
if ($subcats =~ m%^.*?<h2>Subcategories</h2>(.*?)<h2>Articles in category.*?</h2>.*?$%s)
$subcats =~ s%^.*?<h2>Subcategories</h2>(.*?)<h2>Articles in category.*?</h2>.*?$%$1%s;
return ();
@subcats = $subcats =~ m%<li><a href="/wiki/(.*?)" title=%sg;
return decodeArray(@subcats);
myLog ("getSubcategories($target): HTTP ERR (".$response->status_line.")${target}\n".$response->content."\n");
# 50X HTTP errors mean there is a problem connecting to the wiki server
if (($response->status_line =~ m/^500/)
or ($response->status_line =~ m/^502/)
or ($response->status_line =~ m/^503/))
print "getSubcategories($target): HTTP ERR (".$response->status_line.")${target}\n".$response->content."\n";
return(decodeArray(retry("getCategoryArticles", @_)));
# Unhandled HTTP response
die ("getSubcategories($target): HTTP ERR (".$response->status_line.")${target}\n");
# perl ADD_CFD_TAG Category:Category_name
sub addCFDTag
my ($text, $category, $editTime, $startTime, $comment, $catTmp, @junk, $token);
$category = $_[0];
unless ($category =~ m/^Category:\w+/)
myLog ("addCFDTag(): Bad format on category.\n");
die ("addCFDTag(): Bad format on category.\n");
$::nullOK = "yes";
($text, $editTime, $startTime, $token) = getPage($category);
$::nullOK = "no";
$comment = "Nominated for deletion or renaming";
if (($text =~ m/\{\{cfd\}\}/is) or
($text =~ m/\{\{cfm/is) or
($text =~ m/\{\{cfr/is))
print "addCFDTag(): $category is already tagged.\n";
myLog ("addCFDTag(): $category is already tagged.\n");
if ($text =~ m/^\s*\#REDIRECT/is)
print "addCFDTag(): $category is a redirect!\n";
myLog ("addCFDTag(): $category is a redirect!\n");
# Add the CFD tag to the beginning of the page.
$text = "{{cfd}}\n".$text;
($text, @junk) = fixCategoryInterwiki($text);
postPage ($category, $editTime, $startTime, $token, $text, $comment);
# perl REMOVE_CFD_TAG Category:Category_name
sub removeCFDTag
my ($text, $category, $editTime, $startTime, $comment, $catTmp, @junk, $token);
$category = $_[0];
unless ($category =~ m/^Category:\w+/)
myLog ("removeCFDTag(): Bad format on category.\n");
die ("removeCFDTag(): Bad format on category.\n");
$::nullOK = "yes";
($text, $editTime, $startTime, $token) = getPage($category);
$::nullOK = "no";
$comment = "De-listed from [[Wikipedia:Categories for deletion]]";
unless (($text =~ m/\{\{cfd\}\}/is) or
($text =~ m/\{\{cfm/is) or
($text =~ m/\{\{cfr/is))
print "removeCFDTag(): $category is not tagged.\n";
myLog ("removeCFDTag(): $category is not tagged.\n");
if ($text =~ m/^\s*\#REDIRECT/is)
print "removeCFDTag(): $category is a redirect!\n";
myLog ("removeCFDTag(): $category is a redirect!\n");
# Remove the CFD tag.
$text =~ s/{{cfd}}\s*//gis;
$text =~ s/\{\{cfr.*?\}\}\s*//is;
$text =~ s/\{\{cfm.*?\}\}\s*//is;
$text =~ s/\{\{cfru.*?\}\}\s*//is;
($text, @junk) = fixCategoryInterwiki($text);
postPage ($category, $editTime, $startTime, $token, $text, $comment);
# perl TRANSFER_TEXT Category:From_here Category:To_there
## Note that this code is called automatically whenever moving a
## category, so you probably don't need to call it yourself from the
## command line.
sub transferText
my ($source, $destination, $sourceText, $destinationText,
$sourceTime, $destinationTime, @sourceCategories,
@destinationCategories, $category, $lastCategory,
$sourceTextOrig, $destinationTextOrig, $comment, $sourceHuman,
$destinationHuman, $noMergeFlag, $sourceToken,
$destinationToken, $junk, $sourceStartTime,
$source = $_[0];
$destination = $_[1];
$comment = "Cleanup per [[WP:CFD]] (moving $source to $destination)";
# Make human-readable versions of these variables for use in edit summaries
$sourceHuman = $source;
$sourceHuman =~ s/_/ /g;
$destinationHuman = $destination;
$destinationHuman =~ s/_/ /g;
unless (($source =~ m/^Category:/) and
($destination =~ m/^Category:/))
myLog ("transferText(): Are you sure these are categories? ".$source."/".$destination."\n");
die ("transferText(): Are you sure these are categories? ".$source."/".$destination."\n");
($sourceText, $sourceTime, $sourceStartTime, $sourceToken) = getPage($source);
# Avoid double runs!
# This text must be the same as that which is implanted below, and
# it should be an HTML comment, so that it's invisible.
if ($sourceText =~ m/<\!--PEARLE-MOVE-CATEGORY-CONTENTS-SRC-FLAG-->/)
$sourceTextOrig = $sourceText;
$sourceText =~ s/{{cfd}}//is;
$sourceText =~ s/\{\{cfr.*?\}\}\s*//is;
$sourceText =~ s/\{\{cfm.*?\}\}\s*//is;
$sourceText =~ s/\{\{cfru.*?\}\}\s*//is;
$sourceText =~ s/^\s+//s;
$sourceText =~ s/\s+$//s;
$::nullOK = "yes";
($destinationText, $destinationTime, $destinationStartTime, $destinationToken)
= getPage($destination);
$::nullOK = "no";
$destinationTextOrig = $destinationText;
$destinationText =~ s/{{cfd}}//is;
$destinationText =~ s/\{\{cfm.*?\}\}\s*//is;
$destinationText =~ s/\{\{cfr.*?\}\}\s*//is;
$destinationText =~ s/\{\{cfru.*?\}\}\s*//is;
$destinationText =~ s/^\s+//s;
$destinationText =~ s/\s+$//s;
# To help keep things straight when we're in a loop.
print STDOUT "\n----\n";
if (($sourceText eq "") and
($destinationText ne ""))
# The HTML comment must be the same as that above.
$sourceText = "{{cfd}}\nThis category has been moved to [[:$destinationHuman]]. Any remaining articles and subcategories will soon be moved by a bot unless otherwise noted on [[WP:CFD]].\n<!--PEARLE-MOVE-CATEGORY-CONTENTS-SRC-FLAG-->\n";
elsif (($sourceText ne "") and
($destinationText eq ""))
$destinationText = $sourceText;
# The HTML comment must be the same as that above.
$sourceText = "{{cfd}}\nThis category has been moved to [[:$destinationHuman]]. Any remaining articles and subcategories will soon be moved by a bot unless otherwise noted on [[WP:CFD]].\n<!--PEARLE-MOVE-CATEGORY-CONTENTS-SRC-FLAG-->\n";
elsif (($sourceText ne "") and
($destinationText ne ""))
@sourceCategories = $sourceText =~ m/\[\[\s*(Category:.*?)\s*\]\]/gs;
@destinationCategories = $destinationText =~ m/\[\[\s*(Category:.*?)\s*\]\]/gs;
$sourceText =~ s/\[\[\s*(Category:.*?)\s*\]\]\s*//gs;
$sourceText =~ s/^\s+//s;
$sourceText =~ s/\s+$//s;
$destinationText =~ s/\[\[\s*(Category:.*?)\s*\]\]\s*//gs;
$destinationText =~ s/^\s+//s;
$destinationText =~ s/\s+$//s;
$destinationText = $sourceText."\n".$destinationText;
$destinationText =~ s/^\s+//s;
$destinationText =~ s/\s+$//s;
foreach $category (sort (@sourceCategories, @destinationCategories))
if ($category eq $lastCategory)
$destinationText .= "\n[[${category}]]";
$lastCategory = $category;
# The HTML comment must be the same as that above.
$sourceText = "{{cfd}}\nThis category has been moved to [[:$destinationHuman]]. Any remaining articles and subcategories will soon be moved by a bot unless otherwise noted on [[WP:CFD]].\n<!--PEARLE-MOVE-CATEGORY-CONTENTS-SRC-FLAG-->\n";
$sourceText =~ s/\n\s+\n/\n\n/sg;
$destinationText =~ s/\n\s+\n/\n\n/sg;
# You may need to futz with this, depending on the templates
# currently in use.
unless (($sourceTextOrig =~ m/\{\{cfd\}\}/i)
or ($sourceTextOrig =~ m/\{\{cfr/i)
or ($sourceTextOrig =~ m/\{\{cfm/i))
print STDOUT "FATAL ERROR: $source was not tagged {{cfd}}, {{cfm}}, {{cfr}}, or {{cfru}}!\n";
myLog("FATAL ERROR: $source was not tagged {{cfd}}, {{cfr}}, {{cfm}}, or {{cfru}}!\n");
die("FATAL ERROR: $source was not tagged {{cfd}}, {{cfr}}, {{cfm}}, or {{cfru}}!\n");
if (($sourceText eq $sourceTextOrig) and
($destinationText eq $destinationTextOrig))
print STDOUT "No changes for $source and $destination.\n";
if ($destinationTextOrig =~ m/^\s*$/)
print "No merging was required from $source into $destination.\n";
$noMergeFlag = "yes";
unless ($noMergeFlag eq "yes")
$destinationText .= "{{pearle-manual-cleanup}}\n";
# Make sure category and interwiki links conform to style
# guidelines.
($destinationText, $junk) = fixCategoryInterwiki($destinationText);
# If we did have to change things around, print the changes and post them to the wiki.
if ($sourceText ne $sourceTextOrig)
unless ($noMergeFlag eq "yes")
print STDOUT "SOURCE FROM:\n%%%${sourceTextOrig}%%%\nSOURCE TO:\n%%%${sourceText}%%%\n";
postPage ($source, $sourceTime, $sourceStartTime, $sourceToken, $sourceText, $comment);
if ($destinationText ne $destinationTextOrig)
unless ($noMergeFlag eq "yes")
print STDOUT "DESTINATION FROM:\n%%%${destinationTextOrig}%%%\nDESTINATION TO:\n%%%${destinationText}%%%\n";
postPage ($destination, $destinationTime, $destinationStartTime, $destinationToken, $destinationText, $comment);
# Translate from HTTP URL encoding to the native character set.
sub urlDecode
my ($input);
$input = $_[0];
$input =~ s/\%([a-f|A-F|0-9][a-f|A-F|0-9])/chr(hex($1))/eg;
return ($input);
# Translate from the native character set to HTTP URL encoding.
sub urlEncode
my ($char, $input, $output);
$input = $_[0];
foreach $char (split("",$input))
# if ($char =~ m/[a-z|A-Z|0-9|\-_\.\!\~\*\'\(\)]/)
# The below exclusions should conform to Wikipedia practice
# (possibly non-standard)
if ($char =~ m/[a-z|A-Z|0-9|\-_\.\/:]/)
$output .= $char;
elsif ($char eq " ")
$output .= "+";
$output .= uc(sprintf("%%%x", ord($char)));
# %HH where HH is the (Unicode?) hex code of $char
return ($output);
# perl CHANGE_CATEGORY Article_name Category:From Category:To
sub changeCategory
my ($articleName, $categoryFrom, $categoryTo, $editTime, $startTime, $text,
$comment, $catTmp, $sortkey, $token, $junk, $categoryFromUnd);
$articleName = $_[0];
$categoryFrom = $_[1];
$categoryTo = $_[2];
unless (($categoryFrom =~ m/^Category:/) and
($categoryTo =~ m/^Category:/))
myLog ("moveCategoryContents(): Are you sure these are categories? ".$categoryFrom."/".$categoryTo."\n");
die ("moveCategoryContents(): Are you sure these are categories? ".$categoryFrom."/".$categoryTo."\n");
if ($articleName =~ m/^\s*$/)
myLog("changeCategory(): Null target.");
die("changeCategory(): Null target.");
($text, $editTime, $startTime, $token) = getPage($articleName);
$comment = "Moving from ${categoryFrom} to ${categoryTo}";
# --- Start the removing part ---
# Convert underscore to spaces; this is human-readable.
$categoryFrom =~ s/_/ /g;
# Insert possible whitespace
$categoryFrom =~ s/^Category://;
$categoryFrom = "Category:\\s*".$categoryFrom;
# Escape special characters
$categoryFrom =~ s%\(%\\(%g;
$categoryFrom =~ s%\)%\\)%g;
$categoryFrom =~ s%\'%\\\'%g;
$categoryFromUnd = $categoryFrom;
$categoryFromUnd =~ s/ /_/g;
unless (($text =~ m/\[\[\s*${categoryFrom}\s*\]\]/is)
or ($text =~ m/\[\[\s*${categoryFrom}\s*\|.*?\]\]/is)
or ($text =~ m/\[\[\s*${categoryFromUnd}\s*\]\]/is)
or ($text =~ m/\[\[\s*${categoryFromUnd}\s*\|.*?\]\]/is))
myLog ("changeCategory.r(): $articleName is not in '$categoryFrom'.\n");
my ($nullEditFlag);
# Set this to "yes" if you want mass category change attempts
# to trigger null edits automatically. You should check the
# category later to see if everything worked or not, to see if
# any templates should be changed. The below will add a small
# amount of unnecessary server load to try the null edits if
# template changes haven't already been made.
$nullEditFlag = "yes";
if ($nullEditFlag eq "yes")
myLog ("changeCategory(): Attempting null edit on $articleName.\n");
print "changeCategory(): Attempting null edit on $articleName.\n";
print "###${text}###\n";
die ("changeCategory.r(): $articleName is not in '$categoryFrom'.\n");
if ($text =~ m/^\s*\#REDIRECT/is)
myLog ("changeCategory.r(): $articleName is a redirect!\n");
die ("changeCategory.r(): $articleName is a redirect!\n");
# We're lazy and don't fully parse the document to properly check
# for escaped category tags, so there may be some unnecssary
# aborts from the following, but they are rare and easily
# overridden by manually editing the page in question.
if ($text =~ m/<nowiki>.*?category.*?<\/nowiki>/is)
myLog ("changeCategory.r(): $articleName has a dangerous nowiki tag!\n");
die ("changeCategory.r(): $articleName has a dangerous nowiki tag!\n");
$text =~ m/\[\[\s*${categoryFrom}\s*\|(.*?)\]\]/is;
$sortkey = $1;
if ($sortkey eq "")
$text =~ m/\[\[\s*${categoryFromUnd}\s*\|(.*?)\]\]/is;
# Remove the page from the category and any trailing newline.
$text =~ s/\[\[\s*${categoryFrom}\s*\|?(.*?)\]\]\n?//isg;
$text =~ s/\[\[\s*${categoryFromUnd}\s*\|?(.*?)\]\]\n?//isg;
# --- Start the adding part ---
# Remove any newlines at the end of the document.
$text =~ s/\n*$//s;
$catTmp = $categoryTo;
# _ and spaces are equivalent and may be intermingled in wikicode.
$catTmp =~ s/Category:\s*/Category:\\s*/g;
$catTmp =~ s/_/[_ ]/g;
$catTmp =~ s%\(%\\\(%g;
$catTmp =~ s%\)%\\\)%g;
$catTmp =~ s%\.%\\\.%g;
if (($text =~ m/(\[\[\s*${catTmp}\s*\|.*?\]\])/is)
or ($text =~ m/(\[\[\s*${catTmp}\s*\]\])/is))
myLog ("changeCategory.a(): $articleName is already in '$categoryTo'.\n");
print "\n1: '${1}'\n";
print "\ncattmp: '${catTmp}'\n";
print "changeCategory.a(): $articleName is already in '$categoryTo'.\n";
## It's generally OK to merge it in, so don't do this:
# die "changeCategory.a(): $articleName is already in '$categoryTo'.\n";
# return();
elsif ($text =~ m/^\s*\#REDIRECT/is)
print "changeCategory.a(): $articleName is a redirect!\n";
myLog ("changeCategory.a(): $articleName is a redirect!\n");
# Convert underscore to spaces; this is human-readable.
$categoryTo =~ s/_/ /g;
# Add the category on a new line.
if ($sortkey eq "")
$text .= "\n[[${categoryTo}]]";
$text .= "\n[[${categoryTo}|${sortkey}]]";
# --- Post-processing ---
($text, $junk) = fixCategoryInterwiki($text);
postPage ($articleName, $editTime, $startTime, $token, $text, $comment, "yes");
# This function is not yet finished. Right now it simply compares the
# membership of a given list and a given category. Eventually, it is
# intended to be used to convert lists into categories. This is not
# yet authorized behavior.
sub listToCat
my ($lists, $cats, $list, $cat, $listText, @junk, @articlesInList,
@articlesInCat, %articlesInCat, $article, $implement);
$lists = $_[0];
$cats = $_[1];
$implement = $_[2];
if ($implement ne "yes")
print "Diffing membership of '$lists' and '$cats'\n";
foreach $list (split(";", $lists))
$list =~ s/^\[\[:?//;
$list =~ s/\]\]$//;
($listText, @junk) = getPage($list);
$listText =~ s%<nowiki>.*?</nowiki>%%gis;
$listText =~ s%<pre>.*?</pre>%%gis;
# <pre>
@articlesInList = (@articlesInList, $listText =~ m%\[\[(.*?)\]\]%sg);
sleep 1;
foreach $cat (split(";", $cats))
$cat =~ s/^\[\[:?//;
$cat =~ s/\]\]$//;
$cat =~ s/^:Category/Category/;
@articlesInCat = (@articlesInCat, getCategoryArticles($cat));
sleep 1;
foreach $article (@articlesInCat)
$article = urlDecode ($article);
$articlesInCat{$article} = 1;
# print "In cat: $article\n";
foreach $article (@articlesInList)
$article =~ s/\s+/_/gs;
$article =~ s/\|.*$//;
if (exists $articlesInCat{$article})
# print "OK: $article\n";
delete $articlesInCat{$article};
print "Only in list(s): $article\n";
foreach $article (sort(keys(%articlesInCat)))
print "Only in cat(s): $article\n";
# A little paranoia never hurt anyone.
sub shellfix
my ($string, $stringTmp);
$string = $_[0];
$string =~ s/([\*\?\!\(\)\&\>\<])\"\'/\\$1/g;
$stringTmp = $string;
$stringTmp =~ s/[Å\p{IsWord}[:alpha:][:digit:]\*,:_.\'\"\)\(\?\-\/\&\>\<\!]//g;
if ($stringTmp ne "")
die ("\nUnsafe character(s) in '${string}': '$stringTmp'\n");
return $string;
# You will not be able to use this function; it requires a dataset
# processed by scripts which have not been included. (It's not
# finished, anyway.)
sub enforceCategoryRedirects
my ($implementActually, $line, $lineTmp, $articlesToMove,
$article, $flatResults, $entry, $contents, $catTo, $lineTmp2);
$implementActually = $_[0];
$flatResults = `cat data/reverse-category-links-sorted.txt | grep ^Category:Wikipedia_category_redirects`;
foreach $line (split("\n", $flatResults))
$line =~ s/^Category:Wikipedia_category_redirects <\- //;
$lineTmp = shellfix($line);
$lineTmp2 = $lineTmp;
$lineTmp2 =~ s/^Category://;
if ($line =~ m/^Category/)
$articlesToMove = `cat data/reverse-category-links-sorted.txt | grep ^${lineTmp}`;
if ($articlesToMove eq "")
print "ATM: $articlesToMove\n";
$entry = `egrep \"^\\([0-9]+,14,'$lineTmp2'\" data/entries-categoryredirect.txt `;
$entry =~ m/^\([0-9]+,14,'$lineTmp2','(.*?)',/;
$contents = $1;
$contents =~ m/\{\{categoryredirect\|(.*?)\}\}/;
$catTo = $1;
$catTo = ":Category:".$catTo;
$catTo =~ s/_/ /g;
$lineTmp = $line;
$lineTmp =~ s/^Category/:Category/i;
$lineTmp =~ s/_/ /g;
foreach $article (split("\n", $articlesToMove))
print "ARTICLE: $article\n";
print "LINE: $line\n";
$article =~ s/^$line <\- //;
print "* Move [[$article]] from [[$lineTmp]] to [[$catTo]]\n";
# A call to this recursive function handles any retries necessary to
# wait out network or server problems. It's a bit of a hack.
sub retry
my ($callType, @args, $i, $normalDelay, $firstRetry,
$secondRetry, $thirdRetry);
($callType, @args) = @_;
# Increasing the speed of the bot to faster than 1 edit every 10
# seconds violates English Wikipedia rules as of April, 2005, and
# will cause your bot to be banned. So don't change $normalDelay
# unless you know what you are doing. Other sites may have
# similar policies, and you are advised to check before using your
# bot at the default speed.
# HTTP failures are usually an indication of high server load.
# The retry settings here are designed to give human editors
# priority use of the server, by allowing it ample recovering time
# when load is high.
# Time to wait before retry on failure, in seconds
$normalDelay = 10; # Normal interval between edits is 10 seconds
$firstRetry = 60; # First delay on fail is 1 minute
$secondRetry = 60 * 10; # Second delay on fail is 10 minutes
$thirdRetry = 60 * 60; # Third delay on fail is 1 hour
# e.g. retry ("success", "getPage", "0.23");
if ($callType eq "success")
myLog("Response time for ".$args[0]." (sec): ".$args[1]."\n");
$::retryDelay = $normalDelay;
if ($args[0] eq "postPage")
# If the response time is greater than 20 seconds...
if ($args[1] > 20)
print "Wikipedia is very slow. Increasing minimum wait to 10 min...\n";
myLog("Wikipedia is very slow. Increasing minimum wait to 10 min...\n");
$::speedLimit = 60 * 10;
# If the response time is between 10 and 20 seconds...
elsif ($args[1] > 10)
print "Wikipedia is somewhat slow. Setting minimum wait to 60 sec...\n";
myLog("Wikipedia is somewhat slow. Setting minimum wait to 60 sec...\n");
$::speedLimit = 60;
# If the response time is less than 10 seconds...
if ($::speedLimit > 10)
print "Returning to normal minimum wait time.\n";
myLog("Returning to normal minimum wait time.\n");
$::speedLimit = 10;
# e.g. retry ("getPage", "George_Washington")
elsif (($::retryDelay == $normalDelay)
or ($::retryDelay == 0))
print "First retry for ".$args[0]."\n";
myLog("First retry for ".$args[0]."\n");
$::retryDelay = $firstRetry;
$::speedLimit = 60 * 10;
elsif ($::retryDelay == $firstRetry)
print "Second retry for ".$args[0]."\n";
myLog("Second retry for ".$args[0]."\n");
$::retryDelay = $secondRetry;
$::speedLimit = 60 * 10;
elsif ($::retryDelay == $secondRetry)
print "Third retry for ".$args[0]."\n";
myLog("Third retry for ".$args[0]."\n");
$::retryDelay = $thirdRetry;
$::speedLimit = 60 * 10;
elsif ($::retryDelay == $thirdRetry)
print "Nth retry for ".$args[0]."\n";
myLog("Nth retry for ".$args[0]."\n");
$::retryDelay = $thirdRetry;
$::speedLimit = 60 * 10;
die ("retry(): Internal error - unknown delay factor '".$::retryDelay."'\n");
$i = $::retryDelay;
while ($i >= 0)
sleep (1);
print STDERR "Waiting $i seconds for retry...\r";
print " \r";
if ($callType eq "getPage")
elsif ($callType eq "postPage")
elsif ($callType eq "getCategoryArticles")
elsif ($callType eq "getSubcategories")
elsif ($callType eq "getURL")
myLog ("retry(): Unknown callType: $callType\n");
die ("retry(): Unknown callType: $callType\n");
# perl pearle ENFORCE_CFD
## This just compares the contents of Category:Categories_for_deletion
## with WP:CFD and /resolved and /unresolved. It is broken now due to
## recent changes which list all nominations on subpages. It also
## does not check above the first 200 members of the category, due to
## recent changes which paginates in 200-page blocks.
sub enforceCFD
my (@subcats, $subcat, $cfd, $editTime, $startTime, $token, $cfdU, $cfdR);
@subcats = getSubcategories("Category:Categories_for_deletion");
($cfd, $editTime, $startTime, $token) = getPage("Wikipedia:Categories_for_deletion");
($cfdU, $editTime, $startTime, $token) = getPage("Wikipedia:Categories_for_deletion/unresolved");
($cfdR, $editTime, $startTime, $token) = getPage("Wikipedia:Categories_for_deletion/resolved");
$cfd =~ s/[\r\n_]/ /g;
$cfd =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$cfdU =~ s/[\r\n_]/ /g;
$cfdU =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$cfdR =~ s/[\r\n_]/ /g;
$cfdR =~ s/\s+/ /g;
foreach $subcat (@subcats)
$subcat =~ s/[\r\n_]/ /g;
$subcat =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$subcat = urlDecode ($subcat);
unless ($cfd =~ m/$subcat/)
print "$subcat is not in WP:CFD";
if ($cfdR =~ m/$subcat/)
print " (listed on /resolved)";
if ($cfdU =~ m/$subcat/)
print " (listed on /unresolved)";
print "\n";
# An internal function that handles the complexity of adding a
# category tag to the wikicode of a page.
sub addCatToText
my ($category, $text, $catTmp, $sortkey, $articleName, $junk);
$category = $_[0];
$text = $_[1];
$sortkey = $_[2];
$articleName = $_[3];
unless ($category =~ m/^Category:\w+/)
myLog ("addCatToText(): Bad format on category.\n");
die ("addCatToText(): Bad format on category.\n");
$catTmp = $category;
# _ and spaces are equivalent and may be intermingled.
$catTmp =~ s/Category:\s*/Category:\\s*/g;
$catTmp =~ s/_/[_ ]/g;
$catTmp =~ s%\(%\\\(%g;
$catTmp =~ s%\)%\\\)%g;
$catTmp =~ s%\.%\\\.%g;
if (($text =~ m/(\[\[\s*${catTmp}\s*\|.*?\]\])/is)
or ($text =~ m/(\[\[\s*${catTmp}\s*\]\])/is))
print "addCatToText(): $articleName is already in '$category'.\n";
myLog ("addCatToText(): $articleName is already in '$category'.\n");
print "\n1: '${1}'\n";
print "\ncattmp: '${catTmp}'\n";
return("fail", $text);
if ($text =~ m/^\s*\#REDIRECT/is)
print "addCatToText(): $articleName is a redirect!\n";
myLog ("addCatToText(): $articleName is a redirect!\n");
return("fail", $text);
# Convert underscore to spaces; this is human-readable.
$category =~ s/_/ /g;
# Add the category
$text .= "\n[[$category]]";
# Move the category to the right place
($text, $junk) = fixCategoryInterwiki($text);
return ("success", $text);
# It will probably not be useful to you, anyway, since it requires
# pre-processed database dumps which are not included in Pearle.
sub getPageOffline
my ($target, $result, $targetTmp);
$target = $_[0];
# Must run the following before using this function, from 200YMMDD/data:
# cat entries.txt | perl ../../scripts/ > entries-simple.txt
# Even after this pre-processing, this routine is incredibly slow.
# Set up and use MySQL instead if you care about speed.
$target =~ s/\s/_/g;
# Double escape the tab, once for Perl, once for the shell
# -P means "treat as Perl regexp" (yay!)
# $result = `grep -P '^${target}\\t' /home/beland/wikipedia/20050107/data/entries-simple.txt`;
$targetTmp = shellfix($target);
$result = `grep -P '^${targetTmp}\\t' /home/beland/wikipedia/20050107/data/matches2.txt`;
$result =~ s/^${target}\t//;
$result =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
return ($result, "junk");
## This command is for remedial cleanup only, and so is probably not
## useful anymore. This loop takes input of the form:
## "ArticleName\tBodyText\n{repeat...}" on STDIN.
sub interwikiLoop
my ($article, $text, @junk, $enforceCategoryInterwikiCalls);
while (<STDIN>)
if ($_ =~ m/^\s*$/)
($article, $text, @junk) = split ("\t", $_);
$text =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
enforceCategoryInterwiki($article, $text);
print STDOUT "\r interwikiLoop iteration ".$enforceCategoryInterwikiCalls;
## This function is for both external use. From the command line, use
## it to tidy up a live page's category and interwiki tags, specifying
## only the name of the page. It can also be used by interwikiLoop(),
## which supplies the full text on its own. It will post any changes
## to the live wiki that involve anything more than whitespace
## changes.
## This function also does {{msg:foo}} -> {{foo}} conversion, so that
## the article parsing algorithm can be recycled.
sub enforceCategoryInterwiki
my ($articleName, $text, $editTime, $startTime, $textOrig, @newLines, $line,
$textCopy, $textOrigCopy, $message, @junk, $diff, $token,
$articleName = $_[0];
$text = $_[1];
$online = 0;
if ($text eq "")
$online = 1;
($text, $editTime, $startTime, $token) = getPage($articleName);
$textOrig = $text;
($text, $message) = fixCategoryInterwiki($text);
if (substantiallyDifferent($text, $textOrig))
@newLines = split ("\n", $text);
$textCopy = $text;
$textOrigCopy = $textOrig;
open (ONE, ">/tmp/article1.$$");
print ONE $textOrig;
close (ONE);
open (TWO, ">/tmp/article2.$$");
print TWO $text;
close (TWO);
$diff = `diff /tmp/article1.$$ /tmp/article2.$$`;
myLog("*** $articleName - $message\n");
myLog("*** DIFF FOR $articleName\n");
if ($online == 0)
# Isolate changed files for later runs
open (FIXME, ">>./fixme.interwiki.txt.$$");
$text =~ s/\t/\\t/g;
$text =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
print FIXME $articleName."\t".$text."\n";
close (FIXME);
myLog($articleName." changed by fixCategoryInterwiki(): $message\n");
print STDOUT $articleName." changed by fixCategoryInterwiki(): $message\n";
if ($online == 1)
postPage ($articleName, $editTime, $startTime, $token, $text, $message, "yes");
print STDOUT "--- No change for ${articleName}.\n";
myLog ("--- No change for ${articleName}.\n");
### Uncomment this line if you want category changes to
### trigger null edits. This is useful if you have have
### changed the category on a template, but due to a bug this
### does not actually move member articles until they are
### edited.
postPage ($articleName, $editTime, $startTime, $token, $textOrig, "null edit", "yes");
sub substantiallyDifferent
my($a, $b);
$a = $_[0];
$b = $_[1];
$a =~ s/\s//g;
$b =~ s/\s//g;
return ($a ne $b);
# Given some wikicode as input, this function will tidy up the
# category and interwiki links and return the result and a comment
# suitable for edit summaries.
sub fixCategoryInterwiki
my ($input, @segmentNames, @segmentContents, $langlist, $i,
$message, $output, $flagForReview, $interwikiBlock,
$categoryBlock, $flagError, $bodyBlock, $contents, $name,
@interwikiNames, @interwikiContents, @categoryNames,
@categoryContents, @bodyNames, @bodyContents, $bodyFlag,
@bottomNames, @bottomContents, @segmentNamesNew,
@segmentContentsNew, $lastContents, @stubContents,
@stubNames, $stubBlock, $msgFlag);
$input = $_[0];
# The algorithm here is complex. The general idea is to split the
# page in to segments, each of which is assigned a type, and then
# to rearrange, consolidate, and frob the segments as needed.
# Start with one segment that includes the whole page.
@::segmentNames = ("bodyText");
@::segmentContents = ($input);
# Recognize and tag certain types of segments. The order of
# processing is very important.
metaTagInterwiki("nowiki", "^(.*?)(\s*<nowiki>.*?</nowiki>\s*)");
metaTagInterwiki("comment", "^(.*?)(<!.*?>\\n?)");
metaTagInterwiki("html", "^(.*?)(<.*?>\\n?)");
metaTagInterwiki("category", "^(.*?)(\\[\\[\\s*Category\\s*:\\s*.*?\\]\\]\\n?)");
$langlist = `cat /home/beland/wikipedia/pearle-wisebot/langlist`;
$langlist =~ s/^\s*//s;
$langlist =~ s/\s*$//s;
$langlist =~ s/\n/\|/gs;
$langlist .= "|minnan|zh\-cn|zh\-tw|nb";
metaTagInterwiki("interwiki", "^(.*?)(\\[\\[\\s*($langlist)\\s*:\\s*.*?\\]\\]\\n?)");
metaTagInterwiki("tag", "^(.*?)(\{\{.*?\}\})");
# Allow category and interwiki segments to be followed by HTML
# comments only (plus any intervening whitespace).
$i = 0;
while ($i < @::segmentNames)
$name = $::segmentNames[$i];
$contents = $::segmentContents[$i];
# {{msg:foo}} -> {{foo}} conversion
if (($name eq "tag") and
($contents =~ m/^{{msg:(.*?)}}/))
$msgFlag = 1;
$contents =~ s/^{{msg:(.*?)}}/{{$1}}/;
if (($name eq "category") or ($name eq "interwiki"))
if (!($contents =~ m/\n/) and ($::segmentNames[$i+1] eq "comment"))
push (@segmentNamesNew, $name);
push (@segmentContentsNew, $contents.$::segmentContents[$i+1]);
$i += 2;
# DEBUG print "AAA - ".$contents.$::segmentContents[$i+1]);
if (!($contents =~ m/\n/)
and ($::segmentNames[$i+1] eq "bodyText")
and ($::segmentContents[$i+1] =~ m/^\s*$/)
and !($::segmentContents[$i+1] =~ m/^\n$/)
and ($::segmentNames[$i+2] eq "comment")
push (@segmentNamesNew, $name);
push (@segmentContentsNew,
$i += 3;
# DEBUG print "BBB".$contents.$::segmentContents[$i+1].$::segmentContents[$i+2]);
# Consolidate with any following whitespace
if (($::segmentNames[$i+1] eq "bodyText")
and ($::segmentContents[$i+1] =~ m/^\s*$/)
push (@segmentNamesNew, $name);
push (@segmentContentsNew,
$i += 2;
push (@segmentNamesNew, $name);
push (@segmentContentsNew, $contents);
# Clean up results
@::segmentNames = @segmentNamesNew;
@::segmentContents = @segmentContentsNew;
@segmentContentsNew = ();
@segmentNamesNew = ();
# Move category and interwiki tags that precede the body text (at
# the top of the page) to the bottom of the page.
$bodyFlag = 0;
foreach $i (0 ... $#::segmentNames)
$name = $::segmentNames[$i];
$contents = $::segmentContents[$i];
if ($bodyFlag == 1)
push (@segmentNamesNew, $name);
push (@segmentContentsNew, $contents);
elsif (($name eq "category") or ($name eq "interwiki"))
push (@bottomNames, $name);
push (@bottomContents, $contents);
push (@segmentNamesNew, $name);
push (@segmentContentsNew, $contents);
$bodyFlag = 1;
# Clean up results
@::segmentNames = (@segmentNamesNew, @bottomNames);
@::segmentContents = (@segmentContentsNew, @bottomContents);
@segmentContentsNew = ();
@segmentNamesNew = ();
@bottomNames = ();
@bottomContents = ();
# Starting at the bottom of the page, isolate category, interwiki,
# and body text. If categories or interwiki links are mixed with
# body text, flag for human review.
### DEBUG ###
# foreach $i (0 ... $#::segmentNames)
# {
# print "---$i ".$::segmentNames[$i]."---\n";
# print "%%%".$::segmentContents[$i]."%%%\n";
# }
### DEBUG ###
### DEBUG ###
#my ($first);
#$first = 1;
### DEBUG ###
$bodyFlag = 0;
$flagForReview = 0;
foreach $i (reverse(0 ... $#::segmentNames))
$name = $::segmentNames[$i];
$contents = $::segmentContents[$i];
if (($name eq "category") and ($bodyFlag == 0))
# Push in reverse
@categoryNames = ($name, @categoryNames);
@categoryContents = ($contents, @categoryContents);
elsif (($name eq "interwiki") and ($bodyFlag == 0))
# Push in reverse
@interwikiNames = ($name, @interwikiNames);
@interwikiContents = ($contents, @interwikiContents);
elsif (($bodyFlag == 0)
and ($name eq "tag")
and (($contents =~ m/\{\{[ \w\-]+[\- ]?stub\}\}/) or
($contents =~ m/\{\{[ \w\-]+[\- ]?stub\|.*?\}\}/)))
### THEN ADD THIS TO $stubBlock!
# Canonicalize by making {{msg:Foo}} into {{Foo}}
# Push in reverse
@stubNames = ($name, @stubNames);
@stubContents = ($contents, @stubContents);
elsif (($name eq "category") or ($name eq "interwiki"))
# bodyFlag implicitly == 1
if ($flagForReview == 0)
$flagForReview = 1;
$lastContents =~ s/^\s*//s;
$lastContents =~ s/\s*$//s;
$flagError = substr ($lastContents, 0, 30);
# Drop down to push onto main body stack.
# Handle this below instead.
## Skip whitespace
#if (($contents =~ m/^\s*$/s) and ($bodyFlag == 0))
# next;
# Delete these comments
if (($bodyFlag == 0) and ($name == "comment"))
if (
($contents =~ m/<!--\s*interwiki links\s*-->/i) or
($contents =~ m/<!--\s*interwiki\s*-->/i) or
($contents =~ m/<!--\s*interlanguage links\s*-->/i) or
($contents =~ m/<!--\s*categories\s*-->/i) or
($contents =~ m/<!--\s*other languages\s*-->/i) or
($contents =~ m/<!--\s*The below are interlanguage links.\s*-->/i)
### DEBUG ###
#print STDOUT ("YELP!\n");
#foreach $i (0 ...$#bodyNames)
# print "---$i ".$bodyNames[$i]."---\n";
# print "%%%".$bodyContents[$i]."%%%\n";
#print STDOUT ("END-YELP!");
### DEBUG ###
# Push onto main body stack (in reverse).
@bodyNames = ($name, @bodyNames);
@bodyContents = ($contents, @bodyContents);
### DEBUG ###
#if (($flagForReview == 1) and ($first == 1))
# $first = 0;
# print "\@\@\@${lastContents}\#\#\#\n";
### DEBUG ###
# This should let tags mixed in with the category and
# interwiki links (not comingled with body text) bubble up.
unless (($contents =~ m/^\s*$/s) or ($name eq "tag"))
$bodyFlag = 1;
$lastContents = $contents;
### DEBUG ###
# foreach $i (0 ... $#bodyNames)
# {
# print "---$i ".$bodyNames[$i]."---\n";
# print "%%%".$bodyContents[$i]."%%%\n";
# }
# foreach $i (0 ... $#categoryNames)
# {
# print "---$i ".$categoryNames[$i]."---\n";
# print "^^^".$categoryContents[$i]."^^^\n";
# }
# foreach $i (0 ... $#interwikiNames)
# {
# print "---$i ".$interwikiNames[$i]."---\n";
# print "&&&".$interwikiContents[$i]."&&&\n";
# }
### DEBUG ###
# Assemble body text, category, interwiki, and stub arrays into strings
foreach $i (0 ... $#bodyNames)
$name = $bodyNames[$i];
$contents = $bodyContents[$i];
$bodyBlock .= $contents;
foreach $i (0 ... $#categoryNames)
$name = $categoryNames[$i];
$contents = $categoryContents[$i];
# Enforce style conventions
$contents =~ s/\[\[category\s*:\s*/\[\[Category:/i;
# Enforce a single newline at the end of each category line.
$contents =~ s/\s*$//;
$categoryBlock .= $contents."\n";
foreach $i (0 ... $#interwikiNames)
$name = $interwikiNames[$i];
$contents = $interwikiContents[$i];
# Canonicalize minnan to zh-min-nan, since that's what's in
# the officially distributed langlist.
$contents =~ s/^\[\[minnan:/\[\[zh-min-nan:/;
# Canonicalize zh-ch, Chinese (simplified) and zn-tw, Chinese
# (traditional) to "zh"; the distinction is being managed
# implicitly by software now, not explicitly in wikicode.
$contents =~ s/^\[\[zh-cn:/\[\[zh:/g;
$contents =~ s/^\[\[zh-tw:/\[\[zh:/g;
# Canonicalize nb to no
$contents =~ s/^\[\[nb:/\[\[no:/g;
# Canonicalize dk to da
$contents =~ s/^\[\[dk:/\[\[da:/g;
# Enforce a single newline at the end of each interwiki line.
$contents =~ s/\s*$//;
$interwikiBlock .= $contents."\n";
foreach $i (0 ... $#stubNames)
$name = $stubNames[$i];
$contents = $stubContents[$i];
# Enforce a single newline at the end of each stub line.
$contents =~ s/\s*$//;
$contents =~ s/^\s*//;
$stubBlock .= $contents."\n";
# Minimize interblock whitespace
$bodyBlock =~ s/^\s*//s;
$bodyBlock =~ s/\s*$//s;
$categoryBlock =~ s/^\s*//s;
$categoryBlock =~ s/\s*$//s;
$interwikiBlock =~ s/^\s*//s;
$interwikiBlock =~ s/\s*$//s;
$stubBlock =~ s/^\s*//s;
$stubBlock =~ s/\s*$//s;
# Assemble the three blocks into a single string, flagging for
# human review if necessary.
$output = "";
if ($bodyBlock ne "")
$output .= $bodyBlock."\n\n";
if (($flagForReview == 1)
and !($input =~ m/\{\{interwiki-category-check/)
and !($input =~ m/\{\{split/)
and !($input =~ m/\[\[Category:Pages for deletion\]\]/))
$output .= "{{interwiki-category-check|<nowiki>${flagError}</nowiki>}}\n\n";
if ($categoryBlock ne "")
$output .= $categoryBlock."\n";
if ($interwikiBlock ne "")
# $output .= "<!-- The below are interlanguage links. -->\n".$interwikiBlock."\n";
$output .= $interwikiBlock."\n";
if ($stubBlock ne "")
$output .= $stubBlock."\n";
if ($input ne $output)
$message = "Minor category, interwiki, or template style cleanup";
if ($flagForReview == 1)
$message = "Flagged for manual review of category/interwiki style";
if ($msgFlag == 1)
$message .= "; {{msg:foo}} -> {{foo}} conversion for MediaWiki 1.5+ compatibility";
$message = "No change";
return($output, $message);
#sub displayInterwiki
# my ($i);
# ## COPY THIS TEXT INTO fixCategoryInterwiki(). IT IS ONLY USEFUL
# foreach $i (0 ... $#::segmentNames)
# {
# print "---$i ".$::segmentNames[$i]."---\n";
# print "%%%".$::segmentContents[$i]."%%%\n";
# }
# A subroutine of fixCategoryInterwiki(), this function isolates
# certain parts of existing segments based on a regular expression
# pattern, and tags them with the supplied name (which indicates their
# type). Sorry for the global variables.
sub metaTagInterwiki
my ($tag, $pattern, $i, $meta, $body, @segmentNamesNew,
@segmentContentsNew, $name, $contents, $bodyText, );
$tag = $_[0];
$pattern = $_[1];
foreach $i (0 ... $#::segmentNames)
$name = $::segmentNames[$i];
$contents = $::segmentContents[$i];
unless ($name eq "bodyText")
push (@segmentNamesNew, $name);
push (@segmentContentsNew, $contents);
while (1)
if ($contents =~ m%$pattern%is)
$bodyText = $1;
$meta = $2;
if ($bodyText ne "")
push (@segmentNamesNew, "bodyText");
push (@segmentContentsNew, $bodyText);
push (@segmentNamesNew, $tag);
push (@segmentContentsNew, $meta);
$contents =~ s/\Q${bodyText}${meta}\E//s;
if ($contents ne "")
push (@segmentNamesNew, $name);
push (@segmentContentsNew, $contents);
@::segmentNames = @segmentNamesNew;
@::segmentContents = @segmentContentsNew;
@segmentContentsNew = ();
@segmentNamesNew = ();
sub nullEdit
my ($text, $articleName, $comment, $editTime, $startTime, $token);
$articleName = $_[0];
# Only set this to "yes" if you are doing a bunch of null edits
# and don't care about failures.
$::roughMode = "no";
print "nullEdit($articleName)\n";
myLog ("nullEdit($articleName)\n");
($text, $editTime, $startTime, $token) = getPage($articleName);
unless ($text eq "")
postPage ($articleName, $editTime, $startTime, $token, $text, "null edit");
sub cleanupDate
my ($article, @articles);
# Get all articles from Category:Wikipedia cleanup
@articles = getCategoryArticles ("Category:Wikipedia cleanup");
# @articles = sort({$b cmp $a} @articles);
@articles = sort(@articles);
foreach $article (@articles)
if (($article =~ m/^Wikipedia:/)
or ($article =~ m/^Template:/)
or ($article =~ m/^User:/)
or ($article =~ m/talk:/i)
sub cleanupDateArticle #($target)
my (@result, $link, $currentMonth, $currentYear, $junk, $line,
$month, $year, $found, $lineCounter, $target);
$target = $_[0];
print "cleanupDateArticle($target)\n";
@result = parseHistory($target);
($currentMonth, $currentYear, $junk) = split(" ", $result[0]);
$found = "";
foreach $line (@result)
($month, $year, $link) = split(" ", $line);
if (($month eq $currentMonth)
and ($year eq $currentYear))
# print "$month $year - SKIP\n";
# Skip this, because it produces false positives on articles that were
# protected at the end of last month, but no longer are. The correct
# thing to do is to check if an article is CURRENTLY protected by
# fetching the current version, but this seems like a waste of network
# resources.
# if (checkForTag("protected", $link) eq "yes")
# {
# print "$target is {{protected}}; skipping\n";
# myLog("$target is {{protected}}; skipping\n");
# return();
# }
if (checkForTag("sectionclean", $link) eq "yes")
print "$target has {{sectionclean}}\n";
myLog("$target has {{sectionclean}}\n");
if (checkForTag("Sect-Cleanup", $link) eq "yes")
print "$target has {{Sect-Cleanup}}\n";
myLog("$target has {{Sect-Cleanup}}\n");
if (checkForTag("section cleanup", $link) eq "yes")
print "$target has {{section cleanup}}\n";
myLog("$target has {{section cleanup}}\n");
if (checkForTag("sectcleanup", $link) eq "yes")
print "$target has {{sectcleanup}}\n";
myLog("$target has {{sectcleanup}}\n");
if (checkForTag("cleanup-section", $link) eq "yes")
print "$target has {{cleanup-section}}\n";
myLog("$target has {{cleanup-section}}\n");
if (checkForTag("cleanup-list", $link) eq "yes")
print "$target has {{cleanup-list}}\n";
myLog("$target has {{cleanup-list}}\n");
if (checkForTag("cleanup-nonsense", $link) eq "yes")
print "$target has {{cleanup-nonsense}}\n";
myLog("$target has {{cleanup-nonsense}}\n");
if ((checkForTag("cleanup", $link) eq "yes") or
(checkForTag("clean", $link) eq "yes") or
(checkForTag("CU", $link) eq "yes") or
(checkForTag("cu", $link) eq "yes") or
(checkForTag("cleanup-quality", $link) eq "yes") or
(checkForTag("tidy", $link) eq "yes"))
$currentMonth = $month;
$currentYear = $year;
# print "$month $year - YES\n";
# print "$month $year - NO\n";
# print "Tag added $currentMonth $currentYear\n";
$found = "Tag added $currentMonth $currentYear\n";
if ($found eq "")
if ($lineCounter < 498)
$found = "Tag added $currentMonth $currentYear\n";
# print "Unable to determine when tag was added to $target.\n";
myLog("Unable to determine when tag was added to $target.\n");
die("Unable to determine when tag was added to $target.\n");
if ($found ne "")
changeTag("cleanup", "cleanup-date\|${currentMonth} ${currentYear}", $target)
|| changeTag("tidy", "cleanup-date\|${currentMonth} ${currentYear}", $target)
|| changeTag("CU", "cleanup-date\|${currentMonth} ${currentYear}", $target)
|| changeTag("cu", "cleanup-date\|${currentMonth} ${currentYear}", $target)
|| changeTag("cleanup-quality", "cleanup-date\|${currentMonth} ${currentYear}", $target)
|| changeTag("clean", "cleanup-date\|${currentMonth} ${currentYear}", $target)
|| nullEdit($target);
sub changeTag
my ($tagFrom, $tagFromUpper, $tagTo, $tagToUpper, $articleName,
$editTime, $startTime, $text, $token, $comment, $junk);
$tagFrom = $_[0]; # "cleanup"
$tagTo = $_[1]; # "cleanup-date|August 2005"
$articleName = $_[2]; # Article name
print "changeTag (${tagFrom}, ${tagTo}, ${articleName})\n";
myLog("changeTag (${tagFrom}, ${tagTo}, ${articleName})\n");
$tagFromUpper = ucfirst($tagFrom);
$tagToUpper = ucfirst($tagTo);
if ($articleName =~ m/^\s*$/)
myLog("changeTag(): Null target.");
die("changeTag(): Null target.");
($text, $editTime, $startTime, $token) = getPage($articleName);
unless (($text =~ m/\{\{\s*\Q$tagFrom\E\s*\}\}/)
or ($text =~ m/\{\{\s*\Q$tagFromUpper\E\s*\}\}/)
or ($text =~ m/\{\{\s*\Qmsg:$tagFrom\E\s*\}\}/)
or ($text =~ m/\{\{\s*\Qmsg:$tagFromUpper\E\s*\}\}/)
or ($text =~ m/\{\{\s*\QTemplate:$tagFrom\E\s*\}\}/)
or ($text =~ m/\{\{\s*\QTemplate:$tagFromUpper\E\s*\}\}/)
or ($text =~ m/\{\{\s*\Q$tagFrom\E\|.*?\s*\}\}/)
or ($text =~ m/\{\{\s*\Q$tagFromUpper\E\|.*?\s*\}\}/)
myLog("changeTag(): {{$tagFrom}} is not in $articleName.\n");
print "changeTag(): {{$tagFrom}} is not in $articleName.\n";
# die("changeTag(): {{$tagFrom}} is not in $articleName.\n");
# <nowiki> Just skip articles with {{tidy}}, {{clean}} {{sectionclean}}, {{advert}}, etc.
sleep(1); # READ THROTTLE!
if (($text =~ m/\{\{\s*\Q$tagTo\E\s*\}\}/)
or ($text =~ m/\{\{\s*\Q$tagToUpper\E\s*\}\}/))
myLog("changeTag(): $articleName already contains {{$tagTo}}.");
die("changeTag(): $articleName already contains {{$tagTo}}.");
if ($text =~ m/^\s*\#REDIRECT/is)
myLog ("changeTag.a(): $articleName is a redirect!\n");
die ("changeTag.a(): $articleName is a redirect!\n");
sleep(1); # READ THROTTLE!
# Escape special characters
$tagFrom =~ s%\(%\\(%g;
$tagFrom =~ s%\)%\\)%g;
$tagFrom =~ s%\'%\\\'%g;
# We're lazy and don't fully parse the document to properly check
# for escaped tags, so there may be some unnecssary aborts from
# the following, but they are rare and easily overridden by
# manually editing the page in question.
if (($text =~ m/<nowiki>.*?\Q$tagFrom\E.*?<\/nowiki>/is) or
($text =~ m/<pre>.*?\Q$tagFrom\E.*?<\/pre>/is))
# <pre>
myLog ("changeTag.r(): $articleName has a dangerous nowiki or pre tag!\n");
die ("changeTag.r(): $articleName has a dangerous nowiki or pre tag!\n");
# Make the swap!
$text =~ s/\{\{\s*\Q$tagFrom\E\s*\}\}/{{${tagTo}}}/g;
$text =~ s/\{\{\s*\Q$tagFromUpper\E\s*\}\}/{{${tagTo}}}/g;
$text =~ s/\{\{\s*\Qmsg:$tagFrom\E\s*\}\}/{{${tagTo}}}/g;
$text =~ s/\{\{\s*\Qmsg:$tagFromUpper\E\s*\}\}/{{${tagTo}}}/g;
$text =~ s/\{\{\s*\QTemplate:$tagFrom\E\s*\}\}/{{${tagTo}}}/g;
$text =~ s/\{\{\s*\QTemplate:$tagFromUpper\E\s*\}\}/{{${tagTo}}}/g;
$text =~ s/\{\{\s*\Q$tagFrom\E\|(.*?)\s*\}\}/{{${tagTo}}}/g;
$text =~ s/\{\{\s*\Q$tagFromUpper\E\|(.*?)\s*\}\}/{{${tagTo}}}/g;
# Tidy up the article in general
($text, $junk) = fixCategoryInterwiki($text);
# Post the changes
$comment = "Changing \{\{${tagFrom}\}\} to \{\{${tagTo}\}\}";
postPage ($articleName, $editTime, $startTime, $token, $text, $comment, "yes");
return (1);
sub parseHistory
my ($pageName, $html, @lines, $line, $date, $month, $year,
$htmlCopy, $link, @result, $pageNameSafe);
$pageName = $_[0];
$pageNameSafe = $pageName;
$pageNameSafe =~ s/&/%26/g;
$html = getURL("${pageNameSafe}&action=history&limit=500");
$htmlCopy = $html;
$html =~ s%^.*?<ul id="pagehistory">%%s;
$html =~ s%(.*?)</ul>.*$%$1%s;
$html =~ s%</li>\s*%%s;
@lines = split ("</li>", $html);
foreach $line (@lines)
$line =~ s/\n/ /g;
if ($line =~ m/^\s*$/)
$line =~ s%<span class='user'>.*?$%%;
$line =~ s%^.*?Select a newer version for comparison%%;
$line =~ s%^.*?Select a older version for comparison%%;
$line =~ s%^.*?name="diff" />%%;
# print "LINE: ".$line."\n";
$line =~ m%<a href="(.*?)" title="(.*?)">(.*?)</a>%;
$link = $1;
$date = $3;
# print $link." / $date\n";
if ($date =~ m/Jan/)
$month = "January";
elsif ($date =~ m/Feb/)
$month = "February";
elsif ($date =~ m/Mar/)
$month = "March";
elsif ($date =~ m/Apr/)
$month = "April";
elsif ($date =~ m/May/)
$month = "May";
elsif ($date =~ m/Jun/)
$month = "June";
elsif ($date =~ m/Jul/)
$month = "July";
elsif ($date =~ m/Aug/)
$month = "August";
elsif ($date =~ m/Sep/)
$month = "September";
elsif ($date =~ m/Oct/)
$month = "October";
elsif ($date =~ m/Nov/)
$month = "November";
elsif ($date =~ m/Dec/)
$month = "December";
$month = "Unknown month";
myLog ("Unknown month - parse failure! $line\nHTML:\n$html\n");
die ("Unknown month - parse failure! (see log) LINE: $line\n");
$date =~ m/(\d\d\d\d)/;
$year = $1;
@result = (@result, "$month $year $link");
return (@result);
sub checkForTag #($targetURLWithOldIDAttached)
my ($tag, $target, $text);
$tag = $_[0];
$target = $_[1];
# Must be absolute; assuming English Wikipedia here.
$target =~ s%^/w/index.php%;
# Decode HTML entities in links
$target =~ s/\&/\&/g;
if ($target eq $::cachedTarget)
$text = $::cachedText;
$text = getURL ($target."&action=edit");
$::cachedTarget = $target;
$::cachedText = $text;
if ($text =~ m/\{\{\s*\Q$tag\E\s*\}\}/)
# print $text; die "Cough!";
return "yes";
$tag = ucfirst($tag);
if ($text =~ m/\{\{\s*\Q$tag\E\s*\}\}/)
# print "\n\nSneeze!\n\n"; print $text."\n\n";
return "yes";
return "no";
sub getURL #($target)
# Read throttle!
sleep (1);
my ($attemptStartTime, $attemptFinishTime, $request, $response, $reply, $url);
$url = $_[0];
# Monitor wiki server responsiveness
$attemptStartTime = Time::HiRes::time();
# Create a request-object
print "GET ${url}\n";
myLog("GET ${url}\n");
$request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "${url}");
$response = $::ua->request($request);
if ($response->is_success)
$reply = $response->content;
# Monitor wiki server responsiveness
$attemptFinishTime = Time::HiRes::time();
retry ("success", "getURL", sprintf("%.3f", $attemptFinishTime-$attemptStartTime));
# This may or may not actually work
return ($reply);
myLog ("getURL(): HTTP ERR (".$response->status_line.") ${url}\n".$response->content."\n");
print ("getURL(): HTTP ERR (".$response->status_line.") ${url}\n".$response->content."\n");
# 50X HTTP errors mean there is a problem connecting to the wiki server
if (($response->status_line =~ m/^500/)
or ($response->status_line =~ m/^502/)
or ($response->status_line =~ m/^503/))
return(retry("getURL", @_));
# Unhandled HTTP response
die ("getURL(): HTTP ERR (".$response->status_line.") ${url}\n");
sub opentaskUpdate
my ($target, $historyFile, $opentaskText, $editTime, $startTime,
$token, $key, $historyDump);
$target = "Template:Opentask";
$historyFile = "/home/beland/wikipedia/pearle-wisebot/";
($opentaskText, $editTime, $startTime, $token) = getPage($target);
eval(`cat $historyFile`);
$opentaskText = doOpentaskUpdate("CLEANUP",
$opentaskText = doOpentaskUpdate("STYLE",
"Category:Wikipedia articles needing style editing",
$opentaskText = doOpentaskUpdate("UPDATE",
"Category:Wikipedia articles in need of updating",
$opentaskText = doOpentaskUpdate("VERIFY",
"Category:Wikipedia articles needing factual verification",
$opentaskText = doOpentaskUpdate("COPYEDIT",
"Category:Wikipedia articles needing copy edit",
$opentaskText = doOpentaskUpdate("WIKIFY",
"Category:Articles that need to be wikified",
$opentaskText = doOpentaskUpdate("MERGE",
"Category:Articles to be merged",
$opentaskText = doOpentaskUpdate("NPOV",
"Category:NPOV disputes",
# Dump history
$historyDump = "\%::history = (\n";
foreach $key (sort(keys(%::history)))
$key =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; # Escape!
$historyDump .= "\"${key}\" => \"".$::history{$key}."\",\n";
$historyDump =~ s/,\n$//s;
$historyDump .= "\n)\n";
open (HISTORY, ">".$historyFile);
print HISTORY $historyDump;
close (HISTORY);
postPage ($target, $editTime, $startTime, $token, $opentaskText, "Automatic rotation of NPOV, copyedit, wikify, merge, update, style, and verify", "yes");
sub doOpentaskUpdate
my ($categoryID, $sourceCategory, $opentaskText, @articles,
$article, %rank, $featuredString, $characterLimit,
$featuredStringTmp, $key, $printedFlag, $tmpKey, $l, $nl, %l,
%nl, $total, $articleUnderscore, $neverListed, @articlesTmp);
$categoryID = $_[0];
$sourceCategory = $_[1];
$opentaskText = $_[2];
$characterLimit = 130;
if ($sourceCategory eq "CLEANUP")
@articlesTmp = (getCategoryArticles ("Category:Wikipedia articles needing priority cleanup"),
getCategoryArticles ("Category:Cleanup from October 2004"),
getCategoryArticles ("Category:Cleanup from November 2004"),
getCategoryArticles ("Category:Cleanup from December 2004"));
@articlesTmp = getCategoryArticles ($sourceCategory);
# Shuffle and clean up article names; and exclude unwanted entries
foreach $article (@articlesTmp)
if (($article =~ m/^Wikipedia:/)
or ($article =~ m/^Template:/)
or ($article =~ m/^User:/)
or ($article =~ m/talk:/i)
@articles = (@articles, $article);
foreach $article (@articles)
$article = urlDecode($article);
$article =~ s/_/ /g;
$articleUnderscore = $article;
$articleUnderscore =~ s/ /_/g;
$rank{$article} = rand() + ($::history{"${articleUnderscore}-${categoryID}"} * .5);
# print " $article: ".$rank{$article}." / ".$::history{"${articleUnderscore}-${categoryID}"}."\n";
# Pick as many articles as will fit in the space allowed
foreach $article (sort {$rank{$a} <=> $rank {$b}} (keys(%rank)))
if (length($article)+1 < $characterLimit - length($featuredString))
$featuredString .= "[[${article}]],\n";
$article =~ s/ /_/g;
# Record how many times each article is featured.
$featuredStringTmp = $featuredString;
$featuredStringTmp =~ s/\n/ /g;
print "Featuring: $featuredStringTmp\n";
myLog("Featuring: $featuredStringTmp\n");
foreach $key (sort {$::history{$a} <=> $::history{$b}} (sort(keys (%::history))))
if ($key =~ m/${categoryID}$/)
if ($::history{$key} > 7)
print $::history{$key}." ";
$printedFlag = 0;
$tmpKey = $key;
$tmpKey =~ s/\-$categoryID$//;
# print " '$tmpKey' ";
foreach $article (keys(%rank))
$article =~ s/ /_/g;
if ($article eq $tmpKey)
if ($::history{$key} > 7)
print "L ${key}\n"; # Still listed.
$printedFlag = 1;
if ($printedFlag == 0)
# if ($::history{$key} > 7)
# {
# print "NL ${key}\n"; # Not listed anymore; must be fixed!
# }
$total = $l + $nl;
print "Effectiveness ratio for ${categoryID}: $l L, $nl NL (";
print sprintf("%.2f", $nl/$total)*100;
print "%)\n";
foreach $article (@articles)
$articleUnderscore = $article;
$articleUnderscore =~ s/ /_/g;
if ($::history{"${articleUnderscore}-${categoryID}"} < 1)
print "0 L: $neverListed\n";
foreach $key (sort(keys(%l)))
print $key." L: ".$l{$key}."\n";
foreach $key (sort(keys(%nl)))
print $key." NL: ".$nl{$key}."\n";
# Insert into actual page text and finish
$opentaskText =~ s/(<!--START-PEARLE-INSERT-$categoryID-->).*?(<!--END-PEARLE-INSERT-$categoryID-->)/${1}\n$featuredString${2}/gs;
return ($opentaskText);
# Get a list of the names of articles in a given category.
sub getCategoryImages
my ($target, $request, $response, $reply, $images, @images,
$attemptStartTime, $attemptFinishTime, $image, %imagesHash);
$target = $_[0];
#urlSafe ($target);
unless ($target =~ m/^Category:/)
myLog ("getCategoryImages(): Are you sure '$target' is a category?\n");
die ("getCategoryImages(): Are you sure '$target' is a category?\n");
# Monitor wiki server responsiveness
$attemptStartTime = Time::HiRes::time();
# Create a request-object
print "GET${target}\n";
$request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "${target}");
$response = $::ua->request($request);
if ($response->is_success)
# Monitor wiki server responsiveness
$attemptFinishTime = Time::HiRes::time();
retry ("success", "getCategoryImages", sprintf("%.3f", $attemptFinishTime-$attemptStartTime));
$reply = $response->content;
# This detects whether or not we're logged in.
unless ($reply =~ m%<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Pearle">My talk</a>%)
# We've lost our identity.
myLog ("Wiki server is not recognizing me (2).\n---\n${reply}\n---\n");
die ("Wiki server is not recognizing me (2).\n");
$images = $reply;
$images =~ s%^.*?<table class="gallery"%%s;
$images =~ s%<div class="printfooter">.*?$%%s;
@images = $images =~ m%<a\s+href="/wiki/(.*?)"\s+title=\"Image:%sg;
# Uniqify to prevent duplicates
foreach $image (@images)
$imagesHash{$image} = 1;
@images = ();
foreach $image (sort(keys(%imagesHash)))
@images = (@images, $image);
return decodeArray(@images);
myLog ("getCategoryImages($target): HTTP ERR (".$response->status_line.")${target}\n".$response->content."\n");
# 50X HTTP errors mean there is a problem connecting to the wiki server
if (($response->status_line =~ m/^500/)
or ($response->status_line =~ m/^502/)
or ($response->status_line =~ m/^503/))
print "getCategoryImages($target): HTTP ERR (".$response->status_line.")${target}\n".$response->content."\n";
return(decodeArray(retry("getCategoryImages", @_)));
# Unhandled HTTP response
die ("getCategoryImages($target): HTTP ERR (".$response->status_line.")${target}\n");